Barvaux heritage walk: legend

le cœur de Barvaux
Old postcards
1 The mill: two wheels for grinding grain and crushing oak bark (tan mill)
2 The mill seen from behind: the bias used for canoeing
3 Cabins in 1900: the beginnings of tourism
4 The old Petithan road
5 L’aigle noir, one of the many hotels in Barvaux
6 Route de Marche, the main thoroughfare in Barvaux
7 The centre: Maison Deroitte next to the Ry Dodet stream, as yet uncovered
8 Propriété Franchimont and Rue Charotte
9 Hôtel des Ardennes
10 The centre
10 The centre at the church looking in the direction of Tohogne, another road junction
11 The fairs
12 Hotel du Mamelon
13 La Grand-Rue looking towards the station
14 Ténimont chapel
15 Hôtel de Hazalles
Buildings relating to the inland waterways
A La poivrière
B La Maison Legros
C The old city hall
D Boatmen’s houses
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